Welcome to Business Language Technology

In a world where economic and language borders are disappearing rapidly, business people must speak a second language to successfully compete in our global economy. For 9 years, BLT teachers have developed teaching methodology to quickly and interestingly improve second language skills of business people by creating a learning environment designed for each student’s needs, goals and interests. Through online classroom lessons, interactive tools and cultural immersion, BLT has helped thousands of business people around the world quickly improve their language skills allowing them to develop personal relationships of trust with clients, customers and colleagues.


Through an individualized curriculum designed specifically for each student, BLT language training develops business people’s second language skills to accomplish 3 objectives:

  • Speak effectively and intelligently about their company in order to further the success of their company
  • Be able to advance their company’s interests at business presentations and social settings
  • Develop personal relationships based on trust with colleagues, clients and customers



Student lessons take place in a state-of-the-art virtual classroom that provides a very personal and effective learning environment.There are numerous advantages to participating in BLT online lessons including:

  • Convenience and flexibility. Because business people have extremely busy schedules, BLT provides a scheduling system where the student decides the time and day to participate in lessons. To provide further flexibility and to acknowledge changing schedules of business people, students are able to cancel their scheduled lessons without being charged for the cancelled lesson.
  • Comfortable learning environment. Students participate in lessons where they choose to participate which can be in their office, home or anywhere where they have internet access.
  • Better interaction with higher levels of concentration. Interacting with each other through a computer provides a fully focused interaction without outside distractions and interference.



When hiring employees, companies always consider the prospective employee’s business and academic background and experience. Just as important, companies consider whether the employee is likeable and can develop positive personal relationships with colleagues, clients and customers. Without the requisite language skills, it is impossible for employees to develop positive personal relationships. Many employees competing in international business must be able to speak a second language in order to develop relationships similar to speaking the employee’s native language. BLT student success stories clearly show how BLT proven methodology has provided internationally involved business people with language skills to develop personal relationships based on trust.



Unlocking the potential of business people by using a second language to be persuasive and develop personal relationships.


Individualized, exciting, interesting and enjoyable learning of a second language to advance business peoples’ careers while advancing business success of their companies.

Recently Published BLT Articles

Magic of Adult Business People Learning a Second Language

At the beginning of training sessions, many BLT students tell their teachers that it is more difficult for them to learn a second language than it is for children to learn a second language. This is a common misconception, because in fact it is easier for adults to learn a second language than children if the adults understand the real ingredients of language learning…



We are asked quite often by students “How long will it take to think in a foreign language?” The real answer is that it is up to the student and teacher as to how long it will take. It is obvious that you will never be fluent in a foreign language until you are thinking in that language. Language and culture are intertwined so thinking in your target language is an essential part of being able to effectively communicate…


Articles and Case Studies

Positive Benefits of Learning a Second Language

Regardless of whether employees using a second language are HR Directors, lawyers, consultants, salespersons, managers or accountants, being able to develop a personal relationship is the only way to maximize business success and only through effective communication can relationships be developed.   Whether an employee is interacting with a colleague, vendor […]


Living a Social Media Life

The Internet can’t give you a hug. We only eat lies when our hearts are hungry. Do you have more than 500 people following you on Instagram or Facebook? If so, how many of those people do you consider real friends? If you look objectively at some of the photos […]


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