The biggest problem in the world
Immature Men, Women’s Asses and Cinderella Movies Prevent Solving the World’s Most Important Problems
(Before reading this article, please understand that the article is not suggesting that the behavior of men and women described in the article are the majority of men and women. Instead, it is suggested that there is a minority of men and women whose intellectual, emotional and spiritual development is not stressed enough to develop mature, intelligent and compassionate adults who can become leaders capable of solving some of the world’s biggest problems.)
When people are asked about their opinion of the biggest problems in the world, the answers are oftentimes global warming, poverty and lack of education. Of course, if these 3 global problems were solved, the world would be a more wonderful place to live. As with all problems, there is usually a solution, but for the solutions to become reality there needs to be responsible, intelligent, and compassionate people in positions of power willing to solve problems. Unfortunately, there aren’t enough people in positions of power that have the willingness or capacity to address these major problems.
Although there have been scientific studies conducted by sociologists, psychologists and anthropologists theorizing as to why very few people in positions of great power seriously address the real problems of the world, it seems that understanding the problem doesn’t require scientific data, but instead only requires empirical observation and common sense. This is an attempt to provide a theory based on empirical observation to try and make some sense out of human evolution being painfully slow despite living in a world of readily available information.
In many modern countries there are 3 societal factors that make it almost impossible for that society to produce enough mature, intelligent and compassionate men and women who can attain positions of great power and use that power to solve the world’s biggest problems.
- Immature men who measure their value by sexually conquering women
- Young girls who mistakenly believe that their overriding life purpose is to attract a husband who will externally provide the answer to all of their life challenges
- Too few real-life examples of true love for young men and women to observe close-up
Immature men who are just little boys who never grow up, but only their toys become more expensive
All of us have been exposed to men, both young and old, who measure their value as human beings in terms of their sexual conquests. We all know about what men will do and say in order to get a woman into bed. “I will love you forever,” “You are the only woman in the world who was born to be my soulmate,” and “Without you in my life, life is not worth living” are all rehearsed lines said by men all over the world without sincerity, but only for the purpose of spending an evening of romance. The question, then, is why are these men primarily motivated by sexual conquest instead of searching for a relationship that is genuine, full of understanding, emotions and joy? Although the answer to this question is better left to psychologists, there is no doubt that this dilemma exists throughout the world and strongly reduces the percentage of men capable of ongoing introspection and evolving into intelligent and compassionate leaders willing to tackle the world’s biggest problems.
Young girls who believe that their only goal in life is to attract a husband
Throughout the modern world, there is a minority of young girls taught by movies and reality television that they only need to develop themselves physically in order to find their Prince Charming, and thus be guaranteed a lifetime of happiness. Instead of thinking about developing their intelligence, emotional maturity and sense of humor, many young girls are obsessively concerned with the shape of their asses and the clothes they need to buy to show off their shape in order to attract their Prince Charming or to be the stars of their Facebook page and Instagram.
Think about the message of many movies that are romantic comedies and many reality television shows. The plots rarely include anything about a girl’s intellectual, emotional and spiritual development being responsible for having the opportunity to be in love with a good man. Instead, movie plots usually include images and dialogue about appearance, chance meetings, love at first sight, working through a temporary obstacle, and, of course, finally living happily ever after.
The women in these types of movies and reality television shows are usually very attractive, and what they all have in common is an attractive ass that is shown off by tight Armani blue jeans. Unfortunately, young girls who are influenced by movies and reality television mistakenly believe that ass shape development through gym squats, diet and some lucky DNA should be their life focus that will lead to living happily ever after. It is easy to see that many of these young women live their lives on Facebook and Instagram, maybe because they are living their lives as though they are in a movie instead of experiencing the everyday joys of just living.
Fortunately, there are mothers and fathers who are influential in making daughters understand that a long-term relationship is based on commitment, understanding, concern and a deeper love than that which is offered by only sexual compatibility. Unfortunately, there are many young girls who don’t evolve into 3-dimentionally developed women furthering the seemingly endless cycle of women not reaching their life potential. Naturally, the lack of development by so many girls reduces the number of intellectually and emotionally developed women who could reach high levels of power to help solve the world’s biggest problems.
Too few real-life examples of true love
Although solving the problems caused by immature men and misguided women is complicated, if these unfortunate souls were exposed to real-life examples of true love in their teens, they would probably change their thinking about how to live their daily lives in order to be prepared to have a loving relationship. Unfortunately, many adolescents are not surrounded by examples of true loving relationships, so their perceptions of relationship potential are oftentimes guided primarily by movies and reality television. This situation is made worse by the easy availability of pornography that, at best, teaches sexual technique instead of love making.
The Convergence of Immature Men, Misguided Young Women and Lack of Real-Life Examples of True Love
You may be wondering how these 3 societal problems produce the lack of leadership to solve the world problems of global warming, poverty and lack of education. It is possible that these 3 societal problems prevent both men and women from reaching their intellectual, emotional and spiritual potential so that if they ever acquire positions of power to make changes and tackle the world’s problems, trying to make changes will not be on their radar.
If young boys never grow up intellectually and emotionally, they will never have the capabilities to solve important problems if, and when, they gain a position powerful enough to make important changes in societies. If young girls grow up thinking that their value is strictly tied to finding a husband by only developing a sexually attractive body instead of developing themselves intellectually, emotionally and spiritually, they are contributing 2 negative influences. First, these young women are not developing themselves to be future leaders. Second, these misguided young women are serving as sexual objects for the immature men which, in and of itself, contributes to the possibility that the immature man will always have a new sexual conquest to focus on and, thus, always be distracted from being introspective enough to become more than a little boy who never grows up, but only his toys become more expensive.
Fortunately, this situation is less prevalent in younger generations, especially millennials, so that there is the very real likelihood that the younger generations will greatly reduce the problems caused by immature men and unaware women not developing into mature, intelligent and compassionate adults. We have recently seen evidence change for the better in the November 2018 U.S. elections where 100 women, mostly millennials, were elected to the U.S. House of Representatives. The previous highest number of women elected to the U.S. House of Representatives was only 24.
- Empirical observation….Empirical evidence is the information received by means of the senses, particularly by observation and documentation of patterns and behavior through experimentation.
- Prince Charming….Prince Charming is a wonderful man who typically rescues the damsel in distress. He is handsome, romantic and compassionate and has the capability of making the life of a woman perfect.
- Living happily ever after…Borrowed from fairy tale endings, it suggests that everything will work out perfectly in the future.
- Be on their radar…to be considered important and within someone’s awareness, attention or consideration.
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